W8 Moderator’s guideline
Date: 2019.10.29
Mediators: Max & Delphine
For our moderation on October 29th about the topic “Origin of SES 1: Recourse anagement and social-ecological system theory” we decided to create a powerpoint to guide the structure.
First, we gave an overview of the first article called “Synthesis: building resilience and
adaptive capacity in social–ecological systems” by Folke, Colding and Berkes and elaborated on some of the arguments made. Then, we provided a case-study that we had sent to all students in advance. However, the questions were rather complicated because they were too particular to the country and situation (see ppt). The students in class felt like they did not have enough background to properly answer the questions. Together with the professor we then came up with three different questions in regards to the SES theory of the article we just discussed namely;
(1) discuss the framework,
(2) discuss the medium for theory and practices(principles) and lastly
(3) what is the role of case studies and why are they important?
In the second part of our presentation, we proceeded to discuss the rest of the articles,
respectively; “A social-ecological Systems Approach for Environmental Management”, “Nature and society through the lens of resilience: toward a human-in-ecosystem perspective” and “A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems”. We finished the presentation asking the group 3 questions (see ppt) and stimulating them to also raise the questions they came up with for their reflection paper.
In advance, we had also send the students a video with a TedTalk talking about the
planetary boundaries. We thought it was very suitable with the readings, however we did not
have enough time to talk about it further in class.