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Supported by National Taiwan University Research Center for Future Earth

【Week 2 】Can we draw-down the effect of climate change?
Climate change, urban questions & solutions: Research focuses & approaches of the anthropocentric turn Date: 2019.09.17 Mediators: Phan...

【Week 3】ReNature Cities!
New urban policy: Renaturing cities Date: 2019.09.24 Mediators: Mia & Sophie We both realized that the articles proposed for our week...

【Week 4】Transition management & sustainability: Renaturing cities & theories
Transition management & sustainability: Renaturing cities & theories Mediators: Si-Zhe , Wan-Ting Date: 2019/10/01 During the preparation...
【Week 5 】When Ecological Urbanism met Urban Design
Ecological urbanism in urban design and planning Date: 2019.10.08 Mediators: Loan, Tony & Yen-Shuo Huang Yen-Shuo: As mediators of five...

【Week 6 & 7】What is the landscape in urban ecology?
Landscape ecological urbanism and social-ecological urbanism & Urban ecology and sustainability sciences W7 Moderator’s guideline Date:...

【Week 8 】Origin of SES I: Resource management & social-ecological systems theory
W8 Moderator’s guideline Date: 2019.10.29 Mediators: Max & Delphine For our moderation on October 29th about the topic “Origin of SES 1:...
【Week 10 】Origin of SES II: Resilience, adaptive governance & social-ecological systems theory
Origin of SES II: Resilience, adaptive governance & social-ecological systems theory Date: 2019.11.12 Mediators: Max, Terrence & ...

【Week 4 Handout】Transition management & sustainability: Renaturing cities & theories
Figure:Concept of 3 papers in w4 This figure illustrates our understanding of the literature for this week. 📍Key Questions for Week 4:...
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