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【Week 4 Handout】Transition management & sustainability: Renaturing cities & theories

Figure:Concept of 3 papers in w4

This figure illustrates our understanding of the literature for this week. 

📍Key Questions for Week 4: 

How do we understand “sustainability transition” ? 

How does “sustainability transition” happen? 

Students will be divided into 3 groups. The discussion topics for each group are listed below: 

Topic 1: The Governance of Science 

Suggested Question: What kind of institutional factors shape the “sustainability transition”? What are the points that you agree/disagree with the authors? 

Topic 2: Methodology of research on Sustainability Transition 

Suggested Question: What are the limitations and advantages of the approaches for “sustainability transition”? 

※ The Case studies in Scott et al. (2016) might be helpful for our discussion. 

Topic 3: Governance and Planning of Green Infrastructure 

Suggested Question: How does the transformation of urban planning happen? How does it enhance and sustain the ecosystem service? Hope (Wan-Ting, HSU) Sylvan

📍Concepts of mode-2 and mode-3 science

Mode 2 is a term from the sociology of science which refers to the way (scientific) knowledge is produced. It contrasts with Mode-1 production of knowledge.

 Two forms of knowledge production (Gibbons et al., 1994) 

mode-3 science (based on mode-2) 

🔺continuous self-reflection & opening-up of science system

🔺inclusion of civil society actors --- quadruple helix (interplay of science, politics, industry and civil society)


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