Climate change, urban questions & solutions: Research focuses & approaches of the anthropocentric turn
Date: 2019.09.17
Mediators: Phan Loan & Terrence Lee
Actually, because we were the first mediators so we did not really understand our classmates as well as how to mediate seminar. But we based on some following key ideas for our first seminar: student-centered approach; debating questions; and flexibility.
1. Student centered approach:
We know that most our classmates are graduated students with diverse background, so they have their own “expertise” and we planned to create favorable conditions for everyone can have voice. We assigned 3 papers to 3 groups and students in each group summarized papers by themselves. It would help them teamwork skills. After discussion, they had their own presentation, that supported individual presenting skills. And they also could give questions for other groups and other students also can ask them if they are not clear. So the students always need to concentrate and react and immerse themselves in the paper and discussion. They really led the discussion and created the flow of discussion.
2. Debating questions:
Actually, we also gave some debating questions which challenged students and groups and based on that we can have very diverse points of views. We always beard in mind that our class is a knowledge pool and we can learn from each other. That makes class materials become diverse and unlimited.
3. Flexibility:
We actually planned two options for discussions. First one we prepared some debating questions in case groups cannot provide “good enough” questions. Second option that if each group can provide debating questions or other members of other groups can ask good questions after paper summaries, so we do not need to use our questions if the time is over.
⇨ So 2/3 of time in class is occupied by students sharing and discussions. Our students are always at situation of preparing to talk or be asked so they need to be actively learning and asking.
⇨ Terrence also think the “debates” in the course are actually psychological therapy and opinion sharing rather than challenge (of course manner is necessary). This smooth value exchange may due to difficult theories, limit knowledge, or practical experiences. He suggested we could use more common language, practical cases in the articles, or daily life experiences, which based on the theories in the articles, help students to get more insights of the theories.